Why The United Kingdom Implied Ukraine Is a Terrorist State (Graphic 18+)
The United Kingdom has implied that many of Ukraine's state and other symbols are associated in terrorism and white supremacy activities. In this video I explain why.The United Kingdom counter-terrorism police released document distributed to medical staff and teachers as part anti-extremism briefings , "The guide, produced by Counter Terrorism Policing, is used across England as part of training for Prevent, the anti-radicalization scheme designed to catch those at risk of committing terrorist violence. " said the Guardian.
The following links are sources for my report:
https://www.vice.com/amp/en_us..../article/xd7axz/euro - Vice
https://www.facebook.com/ukinukraine/photos/a.618325538188299/2909418902412273/?type=3&theater - British Embassy Kyiv
https://www.theguardian.com/uk....-news/2020/jan/17/gr - Counter Terrorism Police UK
https://www.rferl.org/a/ukrain....ian-embassy-in-londo - Ukrainian Embassy In London Protests Inclusion Of National Symbol In British Extremist Guide
https://www.kyivpost.com/ukrai....ne-politics/uk-embas - UK Embassy apologizes for including Ukrainian trident in extremism guide
https://handofmoscow.com/2019/....07/16/vice-prime-min - Vice-Prime Minister of Italy accuses Ukrainians of plotting the assassination itself
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