News & Politics

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

Ukraine is continuing to fire USA supplied weapons on civilian areas in Donetsk. Today Ukraine fire many AGM-88 HARM air to surface missiles into civilian areas of Donetsk. In this report I go to the location were a AGM-88 HARM hit the 18th floor of an apartment building under construction "Bulvar City" Voroshilovsky District, CENTER Donetsk. There was many attacks by Ukrainian forces on civilian areas of Donetsk today including a hardware store being hit and 6 civilians injured. I addition to going to the location where the Harm hit I also went to the main trauma hospital and spoke to Doctors and injured children about the civilian casualties of the daily shelling.

I am only supported by my viewers as so Please support our work by donating just 5$ on

My name is Patrick Lancaster and I think you deserve more then what the Western main stream media is willing to show you. I think you need to see information for both sides of the contact line.
Why does the Western mainstream media think the world does not deserve to see reports from both sides of the Ukraine War frontline? Why do they only show you(almost all the time) things that are positive for Ukraine? Why when any English Speaking journalists try and show things in Russian-controlled territory they are attacked and attempted to be smeared by the Western MSM? Think about it!!
I believe You deserve MORE and I will make sure you continue to get it here on this channel!!

We can not cover every story from every place but we can do our best & of course, always bring you reports with full Eng & Rus translations.

#RussiaUkrainewar #Russia #Ukraine
I show what the western media will not show you.

Please support our work by donating just 5$ on

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XMR: 43mooJfwFkqVoepUW6V9gk79kTTvoUhaqGBRe18ktzW9DH6RTNDybykNhquTYtEk8WjfkjbHf8nUvZ1QbqDAsQmX4Ltxfvk
BTC: bc1q9jche7a0h3kam7tp7rd7qu6m5n606dp54a0c28
ETH: 0xe159d66190E5C51F2a13F49E2b17808f36CC02AD

You can find My reports on Youtube and other social media:
00:00 USA Incoming AGM-88 Harm To Center Donetsk
01:29 Eye witness
02:09 Russian Inspector
03:54 Finding AGM-88 Air to surface
09:25 Trauma Hospital Director
13:11 Injured Children

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

Mы передали чуть меньше тонны гуманитарной помощи в разрушенную войной поселок Спартак.Там до сих пор живут 65 жителей(до войны их было более 3000).Они живут под ежедневными обстрелами украинской армии.Они не имеют ни электричества, ни газа,ни водопроводной воды,и это продолжается уже 5 лет.Мы дали каждому жителю 13-15кг еды (1 курица,5кг картофеля,3кг cвеклы , 3кг морковки, 3кг лука,1 кочан капусты и 1 большая буханка хлеба).Мы сделали все,что могли, чтобы сделать их жизнь немного лучше,хотя бы на один день.Я могу помочь людям Донбасса только благодаря пожертвованиям моих зрителей.Нам повезло,что у нас есть помощник, который удвоил все пожертвования, которые мы получаем.Вы тоже можете помочь этим людям,и ваши деньги увеличат размер помощи которую мы сможем оказать этим людям.
Пожертвовать через Сбербанк России.Номер:4817760240742480

We gave just under a tonne of humanitarian aid to the war torn village of Spartak. There are still 65 residents living there(it was over 3000 before the war). They live under daily shelling attacks by Ukraine forces. They have no electric, gas, or running water, and have not for over 5 years. We gave each resident 13-15kgs of food( 1 whole chicken, 5 kg potatoes, 3 kg red beets root, 3kg carrots, 3 kg onions, 1 full head of cabbage, and 1 big loaf of bread). We did what we could to make their lives a bit better, even if for just one day. I am only able to help the people of donbass because of donations from my viewers. We are lucky enough to have a supporter that will double all donations that we receive. If you are thinking to maybe donate now is the time, your money will feed twice the people after it is matched. Donate via Paypal, credit card (
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Sberbank Russia card number 4817760240742480

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

Asking Mariupol Residents About Russian Attacks On Civilian areas

#RussiaUkrainewar #Russia #Ukraine
Report by Patrick Lancaster
US Navy veteran and independent crowd-funded journalist.
Over the 8 years of the Ukraine War I made more video reports in anti-Ukraine Government (Donetsk People's Republic) controlled territory than any other western journalist. All so covered the Armenian Azerbaijan war reaching over 8 million on his youtube channel with his reports there
I show what the western media will not show you.

You can find My reports on Youtube and other social media:

Patrick Is only funded by his viewers so please donate to help him continue his work


Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

I have been investigating reports of Ukraine forces targeting civilians in the Kursk region of Russia. In this report i go to a location where a 25 year old man was purportedly killed by a Ukrainian kamikaze drone. watch this report and my other reports with eye witness statements of Ukraine targeting and killing civilians and you decide what you want to believe.
My name is Patrick Lancaster and I think you deserve more then what the Western main stream media is willing to show you. I think you need to see information for both sides of the contact line.
Why does the Western mainstream media think the world does not deserve to see reports from both sides of the lines? Think about it!!
I believe You deserve MORE and I will make sure you continue to get it here on this channel!!
I show you the facts the MSM wont help me continue by donating
00:02:44 Civilian killed by drone

We can not cover every story from every place but we can do our best & of course, always bring you reports with full Eng & Rus translations.

#Russia #Ukraine
I show what the western media will not show you.

Please support our work by donating just 5$ on

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XMR: 43mooJfwFkqVoepUW6V9gk79kTTvoUhaqGBRe18ktzW9DH6RTNDybykNhquTYtEk8WjfkjbHf8nUvZ1QbqDAsQmX4Ltxfvk
BTC: bc1q9jche7a0h3kam7tp7rd7qu6m5n606dp54a0c28
ETH: 0xe159d66190E5C51F2a13F49E2b17808f36CC02AD

Independent Journalism is very important so you can see information from both sides.
Help us keep it alive. I am only supported by my viewers so please support my journalism by donating on

You can find My reports on Youtube and other social media:
00:02:44 Civilian killed by drone

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

#MH17 Unreleased footage & report: (20 July 2014) OSCE inspection & body removal.

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

12 мая, рано утром ВСУ обстреляли западную окраину Донецка ( поселок Старомихайловка )
из минометов и пушек БМП-1 и БМП-2. В результате обстрела на улице Шевченко полностью сгорела хозяйственная постройка, на улице Ленина в результате обстрела повреждения получила машина "жигули" а также остекление частного дома.

Join Team PLnewstoday and help me show the world what is really happening in the Ukraine War plus get access to more premium content. Subscribe at

Patrick Lancaster
2 Views · 1 month ago

The Surrender has begun, of the remaining Azov Batolian and Ukrainian soldiers that have been stuck in and fighting for the Azovstal steel plant for the last almost 3 months. Last night over 50 injured Ukrainian soldiers were evacuated by DPR and Russian forces to a hospital for treatment in DPR. There were an additional 250 that surrendered and were taken to a DPR jail as prisoners. It is unknown exactly how many Ukrainians remain in the plant but today it is expected that more will be surrendering in mass. The major fighting in Mariupol came to an end and the majority of the heavy military equipment moved out of the city just before the Russian army declared victory in Mariupol back in April. Since then the fighting has been contained to the Azovstal plant and its territory. The DPR and Russian soldiers near the Azovstal say it is just a matter of time until the last Azov and Ukrainian soldiers surrender so the plant is clear and they say it will be soon.
This morning I went to the site of the Mass surrendering and gave a quick update on the ground to show you what it is really like. The DPR and Russian forces are waiting and ready for the Ukrainians in Azovstal to surrender. Only time will tell when it is over at Azovstal

#RussiaUkrainewar #Russia #Ukraine
Report by Patrick Lancaster
US Navy veteran and independent crowd-funded journalist.
Over the 8 years of the Ukraine War I made more video reports in anti-Ukraine Government (Donetsk People's Republic) controlled territory than any other western journalist. All so covered the Armenian Azerbaijan war reaching over 8 million on his youtube channel with his reports there
I show what the western media will not show you.

Patrick Is only funded by his viewers so please donate to help him continue his work

Or via crypto:
BTC: bc1q9jche7a0h3kam7tp7rd7qu6m5n606dp54a0c28
ETH: 0xe159d66190E5C51F2a13F49E2b17808f36CC02AD
You can find My reports on Youtube and other social media:

Patrick Is only funded by his viewers so please donate to help him continue his work


Я независимый журналист, финансируемый только за счет пожертвований моих зрителей.
Вы можете поддержать мою работу через Сбербанк, номер карты 4817760356637581

Patrick Lancaster
0 Views · 1 month ago

Anti- Ukraine Donetsk People's Republic Show their Military strength in a Victory Day Parade AND the People Of Donetsk Conduct an Immortal Regiment.
Yesterday n Donetsk, the capital of the breakaway region Donetsk People's Republic (which voted to break away from Ukraine in 2014 after the Ukrainian president was removed from office) was held the first FULL TANK practice of the Victory Day parade. The Leader of the DPR was on site to the May 9th victory day parade which marked 76 years since Germany surrendered in WWII. and the Population conducted a immortal regiment mach.. The anti-Ukraine Donetsk People's Republic Army has been at war with Ukraine since the end of May 2014. One of the main things that added to the result of the eastern part of Ukraine(mostly ethnic Russians) was the fact that the new Ukrainian government immediately moved to Remove the Russian language from schools and remove the Russian holidays. This totally enraged the Russian population in Ukraine. IThe Immortal Regiment is a massive event staged in major cities in Russia and around the world every 9 May during the Victory Day celebrations. It is also a public non-profit organization, created in Russia on a voluntary basis with the aim of "immortalizing" the memory of home front workers, armed forces service personnel, partisans, personnel of resistance organizations, and personnel of law enforcement and emergency services. It involves people carrying on the memory of war veterans, with participants carrying pictures of relatives and/or family friends who served in the country's labor sector, paramilitary units, the Soviet Armed Forces and law enforcement organizations during the Second World War. In Donetsk, the people also walk with photos of family members who were killed fighting Ukraine in this current war

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Or If you would like to support my work with crypto you can send Etherium or other ERC20 to my wallet 0xAC4f83Bf0dA6bfB01e16BAD3Ba3E13e77D2012B1.

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

In the last 24 hours (among many mortar and artillery shells) a American HIMARs Rocket and a Ukrainian Ballistic Missile ( Tochka U ) has purportedly hit civilian areas in Donetsk.
In this special report we start at a residential area where a home was completely destroyed as a result of what seemed to a American HIMARs Rocket attack fired by Ukraine. We met the owner of the home and he explained how he had to dig his wife out of the ruble after the house come down on her. He explain that she was in surgery and he did not know if she would survive. This man worked in the Donetsk coal mines for 30 years to build his life and know it is all gone.
After this location we went to a report of an attack on a Donetsk water company office. We found that Ukraine had fired a Ballistic Missile ( Tochka U ) on the building a residential area(right next to a school and homes).

My name is Patrick Lancaster and I think you deserve more then what the Western main stream media is willing to show you. I think you need to see information for both sides of the contact line.
Why does the Western mainstream media think the world does not deserve to see reports from both sides of the Ukraine War frontline? Why do they only show you(almost all the time) things that are positive for Ukraine? Why when any English Speaking journalists try and show things in Russian-controlled territory they are attacked and attempted to be smeared by the Western MSM? Think about it!!
I believe You deserve MORE and I will make sure you continue to get it here on this channel!!

We can not cover every story from every place but we can do our best & of course, always bring you reports with full Eng & Rus translations.

#RussiaUkrainewar #Russia #Ukraine
I show what the western media will not show you.

Please support our work by donating just 5$ on

Or via crypto:
BTC: bc1q9jche7a0h3kam7tp7rd7qu6m5n606dp54a0c28
ETH: 0xe159d66190E5C51F2a13F49E2b17808f36CC02AD

You can find My reports on Youtube and other social media:

Patrick Lancaster
2 Views · 1 month ago

Вчера ВСУ открыли огонь со стороны н.п. Славное в направлении н.п. Сигнальное с применением минометов калибром 120 мм. В результате обстрела 2 мины калибра 120 мм
попали на территорию частного дома по адресу улица Пионерская 6. В результате прямого попадания мины полностью была разрушена хоз постройка и гараж, а так же выбиты все стекла в доме. По счастливой случайности никто из жителей дома находившихся внутри не пострадал.

Join Team PLnewstoday and help me show the world what is really happening in the Ukraine War plus get access to more premium content. Subscribe at

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

An attack has taken place in which the Ukraine Government has attacked as a "terrorist" . I show you what unfolded and explain how this attack happened.For over 6 years no these attacks have been happening to the civilian population of Donbass. We talk to the locals about the long standing accusations that Russia "Invaded" Ukraine.  Ukraine "Terrorist" Attack Explained    Ukraine "Terrorist" Attack & Russian Invasion Exposed 
Join Team PLnewstoday and help me show the world what is really happening in the Ukraine War plus get access to more premium content. Subscribe at

Patrick Lancaster
0 Views · 1 month ago

Many In Ukraine & the USA would like to give Congratulations to Vladimyr (Volodymyr) Zelensky On 1 year as President Of Ukraine. In fact Ukrainian President Zelenskiy is about to go LIVE and give a press conference on his first year in office, maybe he will congratulate himself. Despite this, the residents Of the Anti Ukraine Government Donetsk People's Republic do not think he should be congratulated.
Early this morning there was a huge shelling attack in a residential area near Donetsk as there is almost every day. My team went to the site of the shelling attack and documented the aftermath and spoke to the victims and witnesses. In this report, I show you what the victims of Ukrainian shelling really think about Ukraine. This should be breaking news in Ukraine and the rest of the world, but unfortunately, the Mainstream Media will never show you what is the real situation in Ukraine in 2020.

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

We have traveled to Lisichansk to show you what the real situation is there. In this report we talk to residents about the situation now and before. We were shown by a resident a a civilian sanitation center that was turned into a base by Ukrainian forces. We also speak to an elderly man that says drunk Ukrainian soldiers shot at him.

#russiaukrainewar #Russia #Ukraine
Report by Patrick Lancaster
US Navy veteran and independent crowd-funded journalist.
I show what the western media will not show you.

Comment what you think and how this can be solved below. Also Please support our work by donating just 5$ on

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BTC: bc1q9jche7a0h3kam7tp7rd7qu6m5n606dp54a0c28
ETH: 0xe159d66190E5C51F2a13F49E2b17808f36CC02AD
SOL: HJPrko54odD14CuqtdQsoqrmZJBU3hs1Tf9QuUN4j3ke
XMR: 43mooJfwFkqVoepUW6V9gk79kTTvoUhaqGBRe18ktzW9DH6RTNDybykNhquTYtEk8WjfkjbHf8nUvZ1QbqDAsQmX4Ltxfvk

You can find My reports on Youtube and other social media:

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

Ukraine Army Shelled 9 Towns, Says DPR In Today's Brief (ENG CC"S)

Join Team PLnewstoday and help me show the world what is really happening in the Ukraine War plus get access to more premium content. Subscribe at

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

Сегодня в 14:00 ВСУ со стороны н.п Пески обстреляли поселок Шахты "Октябрьская" в Донецке. В результате обстрела повреждения получила квартира по адресу Проспект Кремлевский 9, квартира 17. К счастья в результате обстрела никто не пострадал. Местные жители рассказали что их поселок подвергается постоянным обстрелам на протяжение уже 5 лет, и они не верят в мирные инициативы Зеленского. В 2014 - 2015 годах их район был обстрелян из Градов, в результате чего был разрушен детский сад, а так же их дома получил повреждения

Patrick Lancaster
0 Views · 1 month ago

Every Ukraine War Ceasefire is and has been a complete failure. Last Night(21, July 2020) Ukraine opened fire on a suburb of Donetsk burning a families home to the ground. This morning(22, July, 2020) Ukraine targeted the water supply system of Gorlovka putting the ability of thousands of people to get drinking water at rest.
Ukraine has many problems in addition to there latest news yesterday when a Gunman takes bus passengers hostage in Lutsk but the fact that the government shells civilians will never make the news in the MSM as it should
Join Team PLnewstoday and help me show the world what is really happening in the Ukraine War plus get access to more premium content. Subscribe at

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

(ENG subs) Tensions are high at the Gorlovka(DPR)-Mayorsk(Ukraine) checkpoint. Witnesses tell how a Ukraine soldier opened fire on a civilian bus shooting 3 with 1 elderly man dying from a gunshot wound to the head.
Help us get an eye in the sky over Donetsk to increase the quality of reports.

Patrick Lancaster
2 Views · 1 month ago

There has been heavy battle going on in and around the Kherson Region for the last 8 months. We traveled to the Kherson Region of Ukraine In Russia controlled territory and witnessed Donetsk People's Republic (Ukraine break away area since 2014) Mobilization Soldiers training for heavy frontline battle with Ukraine forces. In this report, we show you step by step how they are trained. The report release was postponed for safety but now is the time you can see it here. Since the filming the Russia -backed referendums in 4 regions of Russian-controlled territory in what is internationally recognized as Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, & Lugansk Regions (Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics) to join Russia was passed and this week it has been reported that Russia has lost some territory in Kherson so alot is changing fast.


Comment what you think and how this can be solved below. Also Please support our work by donating just 5$ on

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BTC: bc1q9jche7a0h3kam7tp7rd7qu6m5n606dp54a0c28
ETH: 0xe159d66190E5C51F2a13F49E2b17808f36CC02AD
SOL: HJPrko54odD14CuqtdQsoqrmZJBU3hs1Tf9QuUN4j3ke
XMR: 43mooJfwFkqVoepUW6V9gk79kTTvoUhaqGBRe18ktzW9DH6RTNDybykNhquTYtEk8WjfkjbHf8nUvZ1QbqDAsQmX4Ltxfvk

You can find My reports on Youtube and other social media:

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

I have gone to the Avdiivka (Ukrainian) or Avdeevka (Russian) Cauldron Frontline between Donetsk and Avdeevka, with Russian forces, to show you the real situation on the frontline. I spent a full night  at the military positions of the International Brigade "Pyatnashka". There was almost constant battle involving automatic gunfire, tank fire, artillery and incendiary shells. 
There is no doubt that in the last weeks Fighting has intensified in the Russia Ukraine Warzone but is it really the much talked about Ukraine "Counter Offensive" ? Lets think about some facts.
 Just today, One Ukrainian official said that Kiev / Kyiv has been hit by an 'exceptionally dense' missile and drone attack. It has also been reported that this last week's attacks on Kiev have been the largest yet in the war. Duuring a strike on a Ukrainian ammunition depot in Khmelnytskyi Ukraine, a large batch of British tank ammunition with depleted uranium, which was recently given to Ukraine along with Storm Shadow missiles, is reported to have been destroyed. As a result of the huge explosion, particles of depleted uranium could be dispersed on the territory of the Khmelnytsky region, which, taking into account the experience of Yugoslavia and Iraq, this could lead to an outbreak of cancer in the medium term. Just days ago 4 Russian military aircraft were shot down by Ukrainian forces over Bryansk Russia, and as a Result the Belarusian President Lukashenka has put the Belarus army on high alert. Does this mean Belarus is close to joining the war against Ukraine? We will see. Both Russia, Wanger group and Ukraine have all been claiming gains near and in Bakhmut.
Does this all mean the Ukrainian "Counter Offensive" has started? What will the next weeks bring nobody knows. 

Please support our work by donating just 5$ on

My name is Patrick Lancaster and I think you deserve more then what the Western main stream media is willing to show you. I think you need to see information for both sides of the contact line.
Why does the Western mainstream media think the world does not deserve to see reports from both sides of the Ukraine War frontline? Why do they only show you(almost all the time) things that are positive for Ukraine? Why when any English Speaking journalists try and show things in Russian-controlled territory they are attacked and attempted to be smeared by the Western MSM? Think about it!!
I believe You deserve MORE and I will make sure you continue to get it here on this channel!!

We can not cover every story from every place but we can do our best & of course, always bring you reports with full Eng & Rus translations.

#RussiaUkrainewar #Russia #Ukraine
I show what the western media will not show you.

Please support our work by donating just 5$ on

Or via crypto:
BTC: bc1q9jche7a0h3kam7tp7rd7qu6m5n606dp54a0c28
ETH: 0xe159d66190E5C51F2a13F49E2b17808f36CC02AD

You can find My reports on Youtube and other social media:

Patrick Lancaster
1 Views · 1 month ago

I spent five days underfire in Russia everywhere from the frontline, with first responders, civilians and everything in-between to show you the most in-depth English documentary on the Belgorod region of Russia.
You must watch the full film as noone else has documented the real facts on the ground as we have. In this film we show you exactly how Ukraine has been hammering the Russian city and region of Belgorod with Western supplied weapons in huge cross border attacks. We also speak to locals (both Russian and British) about the situation and we show you the interworking of the Emergency, military, medical infrastructures. You will see what is really happening in Russia not just what the main stream media wants you to see. keep in mind Belgorod is Russia and in no part a disputed land.

My jurnalism is only supported by you my viewers so help meget better donating just 5$ on
My name is Patrick Lancaster and I think you deserve more then what the Western main stream media is willing to show you. I think you need to see information for both sides of the contact line.
Why does the Western mainstream media think the world does not deserve to see reports from both sides of the lines? Think about it!!
I believe You deserve MORE and I will make sure you continue to get it here on this channel!!

We can not cover every story from every place but we can do our best & of course, always bring you reports with full Eng & Rus translations.

#Russia #Ukraine
I show what the western media will not show you.

Please support our work by donating just 5$ on

Or via crypto:
XMR: 43mooJfwFkqVoepUW6V9gk79kTTvoUhaqGBRe18ktzW9DH6RTNDybykNhquTYtEk8WjfkjbHf8nUvZ1QbqDAsQmX4Ltxfvk
BTC: bc1q9jche7a0h3kam7tp7rd7qu6m5n606dp54a0c28
ETH: 0xe159d66190E5C51F2a13F49E2b17808f36CC02AD

Independent Journalism is very important so you can see information from both sides.
Help us keep it alive. I am only supported by my viewers so please support my journalism by donating on

You can find My reports on Youtube and other social media:
Very important film. Please watch ALL. See bookmarks below. SHARE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK AND
Please support our work by donating just 5$ on
00:00:00 Introduction In Belgorod Russia
00:05:13 Incoming!!!!
00:05:24 Apartmentbuilding hit by Ukraine
00:10:10 Goverment made bomb shelters
00:12:39 ENDERFIRE Rockets FLYING!!
00:15:43 Homes destroyed and people injured
00:27:53 Emgergency call center Exclusive!!
00:58:59 Frontline with first responders
01:24:06 UNDERFIRE!!!
01:27:35 DIRECT HIT!!
01:42:33 Indepth with British Man living in Belgorod
02:18:32 Explosions under attack!!
02:18:50 Civilians hammered in attack

Showing 7 out of 8